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4 Common Objections to PVC-U – and Why They’re Wrong!

16 January 2023

Over the years, we’ve heard plenty of myths about PVC-U. But they’re simply not true. Here’s what you need to know about Eurocell’s cost-effective and high-performing systems.

Myth 1: PVC-U windows aren’t strong

Wrong! Modern, multi-chamber profiles featuring the latest in reinforcement materials are easily strong enough for the majority of developments. And there are absolutely no quibbles about appearance when appropriate QA systems are in place.

If the fabricator and joiner are doing their jobs, the latest mechanically jointed flush sash casement windows combine modern materials with a truly authentic traditional appearance.

Precision-engineered mouldings inside the frame remove the need for diagonal corner welds, giving you a product that looks as good as timber while offering all the performance benefits of PVC-U.

Myth 2: PVC-U windows have unattractive sightlines

Wrong! Flush sashes offer a superb aesthetic compared to any traditional material. It’s 50 years since PVC-U was first installed in the UK and, not surprisingly, contemporary systems have ‘slimmed down’ considerably since then. Take a second to view a Modus window and judge for yourself.

We also sometimes hear people talking about unequal sightlines. These are a function of traditional window designs on older properties, rather than a PVC-U issue. Where opening sashes are fitted, there will inevitably be a smaller area of glass. Where frames are fixed, glass areas are larger – potentially creating the sightline issue. Fitting dummy sashes solves this.

Myth 3: PVC-U degrades and has a shorter lifespan than other materials

Wrong! The BRE gives PVC-U windows a minimum reference service life (RSL) of 35 years. During that time, minimal maintenance is needed. Plenty of first-generation PVC-U windows (now more than 50 years old!) are still performing strongly. Glazing units will fail long before a PVC-U window frame.

Myth 4: PVC-U windows need regular maintenance

Wrong! Yes, you might need to clean the frames and look after the hardware. But by comparison to other materials, PVC-U is incredibly low maintenance. A simple wipe with warm, soapy water will do everything you need.

Ready to get started? View the full stunning range of Eurocell’s PVC-U windows today.

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