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Eurocell Wants to See Clear Decarbonisation Plan for Social Housing

27 September 2024

Eurocell wants to see a vision and strategy for the decarbonisation of social housing outlined to support the industry, with an emphasis on  the need for a clear funding package, streamlined access to funds, and a pathway to increase the number of skilled workers in the industry.

This follows a recent survey of social housing professionals, conducted before the general election, which delivered an assessment of the previous government's approach. According to the survey, lack of government support was identified as the second biggest barrier, after cost, to decarbonise the UK's social housing stock.

The survey is part of a whitepaper, The Decarbonisation of Social Housing – Part Two, sponsored by Eurocell, the UK’s largest manufacturer, recycler, and distributor of PVC-U building products. Eurocell is a key supplier to housing associations and housebuilders. 

The research surveyed nearly 100 housing professionals, with almost three-quarters holding managerial or director positions. The study aimed to understand industry perspectives on decarbonising social housing, identify barriers to action, and assess the current state of housing stock.

The research surveyed nearly 100 housing professionals, with almost three-quarters holding managerial or director positions. The study aimed to understand industry perspectives on decarbonising social housing, identify barriers to action, and assess the current state of housing stock.

The importance of decarbonising the UK's social housing stock was highlighted by nearly 80 percent of professionals, indicating the industry's readiness to take action. Other key findings include:

  • Only 37 percent of industry professionals felt the government was effective in informing the sector about energy efficiency changes.
  • 70 percent were dissatisfied with the government's performance in legislating energy efficiency measures, rating it as poor or very poor.
  • Over 80 percent of respondents indicated the previous government was not performing well in funding green social housing initiatives.
  • 78 percent of social housing professionals described some tenants as 'fuel poor.'

In light of these findings, Eurocell wants to see the following:

1. A Clear Funding Package: Labour’s manifesto outlined a 'clean power by 2030' commitment with a 'Warm Homes Plan' at its core, including a commitment to double funding for retrofitting homes and rolling out clean heat to £13.2bn by 2030. Eurocell would like to see clarification on how this fund will support the decarbonisation of social housing.

2. Improved Awareness and Communication of Support: Nearly half of the industry had never heard of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund, highlighting the need for prioritised communication to ensure action.

3. Streamlined Access to Funds: The current Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund is challenging for organisations to access due to multiple steps. Eurocell advocates for a simplified process to remove barriers to funding.

4. A Clear Pathway to the Industry: Skills shortages remain a significant issue, particularly in the availability of skilled window and door manufacturers and fitters. Eurocell calls for a pathway to encourage more people to train and enter the industry, ensuring the substantial work needed to decarbonise the UK's social housing stock can be completed within the required timescale.

Kelly Hibbert, Head of Commercial Sales at Eurocell, stated: 

"The current focus is primarily on constructing new homes, which is undeniably important. However, the UK has one of the oldest social housing stocks in Europe, with over 4 million properties in the social rental sector. This poses a significant challenge to achieving the Net Zero targets by 2050.

"Inefficient homes negatively impact both residents and the environment. This issue is pressing both in the long term and the short term, as many tenants are experiencing fuel poverty and urgently need lower energy costs. A collaborative effort between the government and industry is essential.

"Eurocell advocates for a comprehensive funding package and improved communication to ensure that initiatives and funds are effectively accessed by the industry. Additionally, there must be a strong emphasis on developing the necessary skills to decarbonise the UK’s social housing stock. Skill shortages have been a persistent issue for years, and a robust plan is needed to address this.

"The industry requires support, and progress must be expedited as considerable time has already been lost."

Download your copy of The Decarbonisation of Social Housing – Part Two.

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