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Eurocell’s Blooming Garden Trends of 2024

24 April 2024
Cottage house in a blooming garden with overgrown plants Cottage house in a blooming garden with overgrown plants


Spring has arrived, welcoming longer evenings and prompting many of us to shift our focus to sprucing up the garden. For millions of Brits, creating the perfect haven is just as important as our homes' interior designs, whether picking a specific style of plants or garden colour theme.

Over the past few years, there has been a rising trend of eco-conscious gardening and in 2024, many of us are looking for ways to make our little slice of the outdoors more sustainable, healthy and vibrant. 

It’s no secret that gardening is beneficial for your mental wellbeing. In fact, research has revealed that those who garden every day have wellbeing scores that are 6.6% higher and stress levels 4.2% lower than people who don’t garden at all. Now, many are enhancing their outdoor spaces by adding composite decking, offering an extra area for relaxation and peace without feeling cooped up indoors.

But what do the industry experts believe to be the most significant garden trends for the upcoming summer? Eurocell analysed the emerging trends on Pinterest and compared them against Google Keyword Planner to reveal the average number of monthly searches, showcasing what will likely be a summer hit in the warmer months of 2024.


Avg. Monthly Searches 

3 Month Change In Searches

Pink sunflower seeds

210 467%

Privacy plants

720 243%

Ornamental grasses

6,600 238%

Japanese forest grass

1,600 233%


5,400 177%

Chartwell Green front door

390 129%

Anthracite Grey front door 

720 126%

Cottage garden

5,400 125% 

Pink peonies

2,900 125%

Sensory gardens

2,400 123%


5,400 85%

Garden rooms

49,500 83%

Japanese gardens 

14,800 83%

Gothic garden

480 50%

Embrace the pink sunflower craze

Step aside yellow sunflowers - and make way for the top rising trend of the year: pink sunflowers, which have garnered a mighty 467% average monthly search increase. While slightly more unconventional than the norm, the petals and stems of pink sunflowers are dark pink with lighter pink tips, symbolising innocence and good health. 

For those still not ready to leave behind the Barbie-esque style of gardens, pink sunflowers are the perfect addition and create a space full of warmth and energy. The frilly pink blooms don’t add just a pop of colour but the brighter the flower, the more bees and butterflies will be attracted to your garden.

A natural air purifier, the pink sunflower also helps to reduce airborne pollutants creating a cleaner atmosphere and attracting pollinators, vital to maintaining healthy crop systems and natural plant growth - helping to contribute to a sustainable garden. 

Some plants are more attractive to pollinators than others as they have a richer source of nectar and pollen. Sunflowers are a natural attraction to pollinators due to the brightly coloured petals but alternative plants like lavender and hydrangeas also work well. 

Privacy plants and ornamental grasses make up the top three trends. Adding high shrubs, trees and plants into your garden offers an easy way to create secluded nooks in the garden away from the hustle and bustle of the outside world and letting you enjoy your garden in peace. Combined with ornamental grasses, this blend introduces movement, texture, and a secluded summer escape.

Neutral colours are in trend too, as composite door colours like Chartwell Green and Anthracite Grey front doors have seen a boost in searches, with a rise of over 120% - following an uplift in searches from Eurocell customers, too. 

Cottagecore: Not just fashion, but gardens too

In 2024, themed gardens are on the rise. Cottagecore, which is also a popular fashion movement, embraces the traditional English countryside style - simple and naturalistic. It’s not only setting trends in the fashion industry but also across garden landscapes. 

The cottage core trend has seen a 125% increase in searches for people looking to incorporate it in their outside space, infusing the garden with a charming essence through a variety of plants like wildflowers, roses, and witch hazel to create a rustic look.

In contrast, gothic gardens feature purple hues and mystical, medicinal herbs and plants such as black roses, pansies and dark purple dahlias - again welcoming the wild and overgrown style of a garden similar to cottage core. 

One of the common trends that came up time and time again in our research is the creation of sustainable and calming gardens, with terms such as ‘sensory gardens’ gaining over 120% increase in searches or spaces like ‘garden rooms’ seeing over 60%. 

Whatever your style may be, incorporating a couple of these new trends may be a welcome addition to your private outdoor space, helping you to create the ultimate summer escape. 


To create this data, Eurocell researched the 15 rising trends using Eurocell data and Pinterest Trends within the last three months and compared each search term on Google Keyword Planner to find out the average monthly searches to reveal the trend that was the most popular. 


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