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Eurocell Navigates Future Homes Standard Changes with Strategic Assurance

21 December 2023

Eurocell, the UK’s leading PVC-U manufacturer, distributor and recycler, is addressing the recent updates in window and door U-values with steadfast commitment and strategic foresight. 

The eagerly awaited consultation on the Future Homes Standard (FHS) has been unveiled indicating that the notional values will remain unaltered, standing at 1.2 W/m2K for windows and doors with greater than 60% glazing and 1.0 W/m2K for all other doors. Also, the constraining values for the actual building haven't changed and remain at 1.6 W/m2K for both windows and doors.

After four years of preparation and a race towards achieving the speculated 0.8 W/m2K U-value, Eurocell's response has been a proactive investment in and of championing the Modus System. Modus maintains its market leadership as the preferred solution for energy efficiency, offering low U-values, aesthetic appeal and sustainability.

Whilst out for consultation, one notable change is that the option for declaring the U-value for the standard size window and door has been removed, and each individual window and door will have to be calculated separately, which will in turn bring its own challenges. 

Eurocell ensures stability, assuring its fabricator network that it's business as usual for now. In the face of the FHS changes, Eurocell stands as a beacon of assurance, emphasising its understanding of the alterations and setting out a comprehensive plan to navigate them. Eurocell will engage with its fabricator network in the New Year, maintaining a business-as-usual approach.

Gary Driscoll, Sales & Commercial Director, adds, “Innovation is in our DNA, and standing still is not for us – we want to push for better, ensuring a socially responsible and future-focused approach"


We’ll continue to update our customers through our regular New Build Fabricator Forums, which has been a valuable vehicle for fostering communication and collaboration. These forum events provide an excellent platform to share important updates, engage in meaningful discussions, and add more value to our network’s collective knowledge.”


The consultation runs from 13th December 2023 to 6th March 2024 and can be found at  https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/the-future-homes-and-buildings-standards-2023-consultation


If you have any questions or would like more information then please email newbuild@eurocell.co.uk or call 0333 005 6525.

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