200+ Branches nationwide

Expert advice, stocking 6,000+ products

50 years in the trade

Serving fabricators, installers, and specifiers.

Leaders in sustainability

Keeping over 3 million frames out of landfill every year through recycling

Unrivalled choice of Profile Systems 

The widest range and technical support.

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy 

At Eurocell we have long held the belief that, as the industry-leader in our field, we have a responsibility to not only comply with all relative legislation that governs our Corporate surroundings, but to also go above and beyond these legal requirements; to establish a moral and ethical framework within which to run our operations.

Policy Aims 

The following document outlines how Eurocell embodies Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the way that we do business as well as how it is integrated into our other corporate policies. This policy also provides examples of how the Company implements CSR in its current operations.

Our Ambitions 

To be an Equal Opportunity employer, promoting diversity in the workforce and ensuring a fair internal and external recruitment process.

To promote environmentally-friendly working practices such as recycling, waste reduction, transportation and energy efficiency.

To constantly review and improve our efficiencies in order to lower energy consumption and reduce our overall carbon footprint.

To provide a platform for employees to raise concerns regarding any illegal, illicit or suspicious behaviour, either inside or outside the business, without fear or prejudice or reprisal.

To ensure our employees are being treated fairly in the workplace, and that employees have the opportunity to raise any concerns they may have without fear of prejudice or discrimination.

To promote the use of fair and transparent business practices whilst still pursuing competitive advantage.

To provide clear contractual terms and company policies to all employees in order to clearly define the working relationship, adhering to legislation relating to employment rights.

To build positive long-lasting relationships with our external stakeholders such as suppliers, customers, business partners and the local community.

To be the ethical brand of choice within the UPVC industry.

Implementing and reviewing the Policy 

Overall responsibility for policy implementation and review rests with the Company senior management. The Company will inform all employees of the policy and any amendments to the policy.

See the full document >