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Gutter Cleaning: The Unsung Hero of Property Upkeep

8 February 2023

Regular maintenance of gutters and drains is easy to overlook. For most homeowners, they’re parts of the property that are out of sight and out of mind. It’s only when a problem strikes that many people even begin to consider how they should have been using a routine maintenance programme to keep their gutters and drains clear and clean.

In this article, you’ll get all the information you need about the importance of cleaning and repairing gutters and drains.

Why is it important to clean gutters and drains?


Gutters and drains play a crucial role in protecting a property from water damage. If they are not properly maintained, they can quickly become clogged with leaves, moss, debris and other materials. The result is not pretty: water backing up to dangerous levels, and up to six different types of potential damage all emerging because of one easy-to-resolve issue.

  • Roof damage occurs when water in the blocked drain has nowhere to go. Before long, it ends up working its way through over the eaves of a property and into the roof. And roof repairs don’t normally come cheap.
  • Wall damage occurs when drains become blocked, causing water to overflow from the top and then run down the side of the property. This can potentially lead to mould and damp inside the property
  • Fascia damage occurs when water from blocked drains start to contact and impact wooden fascias. Before long, replacement UPVC fascia boards may be needed.
  • Gutter damage occurs when the gutters are simply unable to hold the weight of the backed-up water. Either the gutter cracks, or the fixings break, or both.
  • Animal damage occurs when birds and other small creatures start to bed down in the material that’s blocking the gutters. Before long, they can start to damage the roofline too.
  • Garden damage occurs when all the backed-up water floods over the edge of the gutter and hammers down incessantly onto the land below.


How often should gutters and drains be cleaned?

As a minimum, we recommend gutters and drains should be checked at least once a year. Ideally, this should be done just before winter, so the property is fully prepared to deal with the worst of the British weather.

This is the kind of job that many homeowners might consider doing themselves, but it’s always best to hire a professional. With a trained and experienced eye, they will be more quick to spot potential and developing problems and help to resolve them before they become too destructive. Trained professionals also have the correct safety knowledge, training and equipment in place to climb up and check without putting anyone at risk.

How else can I prevent blocked gutters and drains?

One of the most effective preventative steps is to install Eurocell’s high capacity UPVC guttering and downpipes. Available in five attractive colours and a full range of styles, they are long-lasting and manufactured with a weatherproof finish.

A click-fitting system and a full range of adaptors guarantees fast installation times. Best of all, all Eurocell UPVC guttering is 100% recyclable - putting sustainability at the heart of this crucial property investment.

Browse our range of UPVC guttering and downpipes today.


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