200+ Branches nationwide

Expert advice, stocking 6,000+ products

50 years in the trade

Serving fabricators, installers, and specifiers.

Leaders in sustainability

Keeping over 3 million frames out of landfill every year through recycling

Unrivalled choice of Profile Systems 

The widest range and technical support.


Gender Pay Reporting

Eurocell Gender Pay Reporting

Eurocell welcomes and supports gender pay gap reporting and is committed to equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion throughout the business.

All companies with 250 or more employees are required by law to publish their gender pay gap between men and women on both a median (pay per hour based on the person ‘in the middle’ of the distribution of pay) and a mean base (average hourly pay).

In addition, employers are required to disclose the distribution of gender by pay quartile along with percentages of employees receiving bonus by gender and the gender gap on bonuses.



Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

Eurocell recognises the challenges of diversity amongst its workforce and is prioritising the following areas for action: Explore how we continue to attract women into our organisation to generate a more even gender balance, specifically in our manufacturing sites and branch network; creating opportunity within our talent pipeline through Eurocell’s learning and development leadership and management programmes; and review of Eurocell organisation design to ensure that we remain competitive in a challenging market.

Eurocell Profiles

Eurocell Profiles is a leading supplier of quality PVC-U products for home improvement projects, with a wide range of profile systems, products, and services. Eurocell has over 50 years in the trade, serving fabricators and installers across the UK.

Sustainability is critical and Eurocell is committed to recycling every piece of PVC-U we create.

Gender Pay Gap Report 2022

Eurocell Building Plastics

With over 200 branches nationwide, Eurocell Building Plastics provides a huge range of UPVC products and accessories, including fascia and soffits, decking, and fencing.

Our branch teams are on hand to provide expert advice, ensuring that our customers’ needs are met.

Gender Pay Gap Report 2022

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Eurocell Recycle

Through two purpose-built recycling centres and millions of pounds of investment, we are the UK’s largest recycler of UPVC. Get all the details here.

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